Flexibility Is Key
When you create services on our platform, you are presented with multiple pricing options, all of which can be overridden upon quote creation, for custom pricing.
Flat Pricing
Super simple. Specify a price for your service and that's the price. Straight forward.
Tiered Pricing
Tiered pricing is pricing based on tiers you define and are used in conjunction with your customers’ measurements to calculate pricing instantaneously. You have two types of tiered pricing: Per Rate and Flat Price Per Tier.
Pricing Per Rate means that if the customer's measurement falls within your defined tier, it will multiply the rate you defined by the given measurement, to give an exact price to the customer for the service. This can optionally be set to round up automatically so pricing doesn't appear to be so precise to the customer.
Flat Price Per Tier means that each tier you define there's a set flat price for the service if their measurement size falls within that range.
We even allow you to view what other providers have created for services in your industry to help you with your pricing and service setup. You then can import a selected service into your account for use. This makes getting started that much easier.