
In-App Purchases

Projectquoting.com offers providers an ever increasing array of in-app purchases to help them get the most out of their accounts. Some are one time purchases and others are increases to your monthly subscription cost to enable the service. All addons are optional and can be disabled at any time during your account.

SMS (Text Messaging)

$5 / month

Increase open rates of your quotes and invoices by sending SMS (text message) notifications to your customers. You can also setup notifications to yourself whenever a widget lead is created.

Public Profile Page

$5 / month

Have your own dedicated profile page you can use to promote your business. Upload photos, hook up your PQ lead generation tools, contact info and much more.

Jobs & Work Orders

$10 / month

Create and manage jobs and work orders. Setup one-time or recurring schedules. Link them to quote responses and invoices, assign to crews, share job details and automate appointment reminders to customers. Receive reminders to invoice and much more.

Invoice Credits

.75 / per credit

Purchase Invoice credits you can redeem when creating either standard or recurring invoices. Each invoice consumes 1 credit.

Email Campaign Credits

.0039 / per credit

Purchase credits that can be used to send bulk marketing email blasts to your customers. These emails can be used for anything from company notifications, to promotions and much more.

Email Verification Credits

.10 / per credit

Purchase credits you can use to verify a customer's email address to receive deliverability metrics on the likelyhood the customer will receive your email.